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Terms and Conditions



Last Updated: 1 June 2020

The following terms and conditions (the "Terms and Conditions") govern your use of the websites located at on which Rising Star Academy, Rising Star Academy Group Limited or one of their affiliates (collectively, “we,” “us,” or “our”) posts these Terms and Conditions (collectively “Site”). BY USING THE SITE, YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS (INCLUDING OUR PRIVACY POLICY) AS APPLIED TO YOUR USE OF THE SITE.

You should also read our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated by reference into these Terms and Conditions. If you do not accept and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, including our Privacy Policy, do not use the Site or the products and services offered on the Site. By accessing the Site, you consent to these Terms and Conditions in electronic form. To withdraw this consent, you must cease using the Site and, if applicable, terminate your account. Users under the age of 18 must (a) review these Terms and Conditions with a parent or legal guardian to ensure the parent or legal guardian acknowledges and agrees to these Terms and Conditions, and (b) not access the Site and uninstall any application if his or her parent or legal guardian does not agree to these Terms and Conditions.

By enrolling into classes offered by us, the applicant acknowledges and agrees to the school policies as specified below.


Enrollment in courses provided by us may be subject to pre-course assessment to determine applicant’s suitability to enroll in the classes. We reserves the right to refuse the admission of any applicant who, in our opinion, does not meet the minimum requirement for the courses, may impact the learning of other students at the centre and/or  is detrimental to the general welfare of the centre. 

We reserve the right to discontinue an applicant’s enrollment at any time due to non-payment of tuition fee, disruptive behaviour in class or at the centre, or negative impact on other students’ learning.

We reserve the right to discontinue a student's enrollment at any time for poor attendance, non-payment or underpayment of tuition, disruptive behaviour, or any behaviour that is disrupting of the centre operations or other students' learning.

We reserve the right to change the class teacher for courses as deemed appropriate or necessary at our discretion. We are not required to provide prior notice for such arrangements.

Payment of Fees

Tuition fees are either charged on a monthly basis or are payable 7 days prior to the commencement of the course or as requested under the terms of the specific course. Payment of tuition fees are made by cash, bank transfers, PayMe, FPS and cheque. We reserve the right to decline or prevent a student from attending the class or course if tuition fees have not been paid in full as requested.

A HK$50 administration fee will be charged for any cheques returned by your bank.

We reserve the right to apply late fees for late payment of tuition fees as follows:

  • 5% penalty charge will apply on outstanding fees after 5 working days of the assigned due date

  • 10% penalty charge will apply on outstanding fees after 10 working days of assigned due date

Tuition fees are non-refundable and non-transferable between students or courses.

Make-up classes

No make-up classes will be arranged for late students.

No make-up classes for students who have enrolled in our STEM courses.

Students must notify us by email or phone of the absence at least one week in advance of the class, unless the student can provide a valid doctor’s certificate. We will not accommodate a make-up class request for notification given on the day or after the scheduled class, without a doctor’s certificate.

It is the student’s responsibility to contact us to schedule a make-up class.

We offer a maximum of one make-up class per month. However, we may not be able to guarantee alternative timeslots or available timeslots that will fit the student’s schedule. Availability of make-up class is on a first-come-first served basis.

Make-up class cannot be carried forward to another term. 

The student will only be able to join a make-up class at the same level of the missed class.

No refund or additional make-up classes will be offered if the student is unable to attend any scheduled / proposed make-up classes.

Materials from the missed class will be distributed to the student if the student is unable to attend a make-up class.

Missed / Make-up classes are non-refundable and non-transferable between students or courses. Missed / make-up classes cannot be accumulated to offset any tuition fees for the following term.

Refund Policies

In the case of our closure prior to the commencement of a course, we will refund in full the outstanding tuition fee to the student.

In the event that a confirmed course needs to be cancelled by us or a course which has commenced ceases to continue, and the student declines the revised arrangements offered by us, we will refund in full or on a pro-rata basis the tuition fee collected no later than one month after the notification date of the cancellation.

Refund Procedures

We will refund in accordance with the above policies. 

We will inform the student of refund arrangements in writing (e-mail, fax or letter) or by phone.

We will issue a refund receipt which parents or guardians are required to sign to acknowledge receipt of the refunded amount.

Adverse Weather Conditions Policy

Online classes will be held on schedule even if any rainstorm or typhoon warnings are hoisted.


Morning classes will be cancelled if Black Rain Warning / Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted within two hours of the scheduled start time.

All afternoon classes will be cancelled if Black Rain Warning / Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted at 2pm. Classes will be held according to following weather conditions as set out in the below table.

There will be no make-up classes, rescheduling or refund for any cancelled / dismissed classes resulting from adverse weather conditions.

Withdrawal Policies

Students must provide us with at least one month’s prior notice in writing (email, fax or letter) if the student wants to withdraw from any courses.

Without proper notification, we will not accept the student’s withdrawal from the course and the student must pay for the following month’s tuition fees.

Paid classes are non-refundable and non-transferable between students or courses.

Students’ Responsibilities

The student undertakes:

  • not to reproduce, distribute or show to any other person, in whole or in part, any of the class materials, lesson notes, assessments and tests distributed by us without our prior written consent;

  • to arrange appropriate transportation or pick-up for the student to and from our centre. We do not require students to sign-out or notify us when they are leaving the premises; and

  • to attend all lessons of their enrolled courses on time.​


We shall not be liable for any loss, expense, damage, delay, costs or compensation, whether direct, indirect or consequential, which may be suffered or incurred by the student arising from or in any way connected with classes at Rising Star Academy.

We shall not be held responsible for personal injuries, accidents, losses and damages incurred by the student while at Rising Star Academy premises or any other places where classes are being held.



We reserves the right to use photos, videos and/or works of students for training, curriculum and/or promotional or educational purposes, without prior consent obtained from the said student.

Photographs and videos may be taken occasionally during the class time. Students and participants agree to be photographed or taped. We reserves all rights to images and footages, without prior consent obtained from the said students/participants.


Intellectual Property

We reserve all rights and interests in any intellectual property, including but not limited to practice paper, course materials and mock exam papers etc. arising as a result of any lessons, courses or other tuition provided or any purpose associated with us. All course materials used by our instructors  and distributed to students remain the property of Rising Star Academy. Any reproduction, distribution or sharing with other parties without the express prior written consent of Rising Star Academy is strictly prohibited. Some courses may require an additional fee for the purchase of textbooks and/or other course materials. 

Governing Law and Jurisdiction 

This Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. Disputes arising in connection with this Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.



If any part of these conditions is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not prejudice the effect of the rest of these Terms and Conditions to the extent that they are valid, legal and enforceable.

The English version shall always prevail in case of any discrepancies. 



Our Privacy Policy


Last Updated: 1 June 2020

Personal Information Collection Statement


We may collect certain personal information from you when you apply for, enquire about, or receive products and services from us, or when you apply to make changes to your application and/or services. These data may include, but are not limited to: your name, contact information, date of birth, identity card number, information regarding academic background, and financial information ("Personal Information", "data" or "information"). It is entirely voluntary for you to provide your Personal Information. However, failure to provide your Personal Information may result in us being unable to process your request fully or at all.

By voluntarily choosing to provide your personal information through the website situated at (the “Website”), you are permitting Rising Star Academy Group Limited and any of its related companies or subsidiaires (collectively, “we,” “us,” or “our”) to store, maintain, process and use this information in accordance with this collection statement, as amended from time to time, for various purposes such as providing services, responding to service requests, responding to questions, billing purposes, sending information in regards to our products and services, events, promotions and other activities which may be of interest to you.

Your Personal Information will be stored, maintained, processed and used by us, and may be transferred to our group companies or third parties within or outside of Hong Kong solely for the above – mentioned purpose. At all times we will endeavour to ensure that your data is kept secure from unauthorized disclosure or access. Your personal data will only be kept as long as necessary for the above-mentioned purpose for which they were collected.

We may from time to time transfer your personal information outside Hong Kong for the above purposes and for the purposes of data processing and storage.

We may use your personal information such as your name, telephone number, residential address and email address for direct marketing of any products, services, events and promotions regarding Rising Star Academy. You may, at any time, request us to cease using your Personal Information for direct marketing purposes by writing to us at the email address as prescribed below.

You are entitled to request access to, correction of your Personal Information, or review the policies and practices in relation to Personal Information of Rising Star Academy at any time by contacting us at

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